Missing parentheses in call to ‘print’. did you mean print(…) – How to Resolve in Python

Hi friends, in this short tip, we will be discussing how you can easily resolve the error message: missing parentheses in call to ‘print’. did you mean print(…). This is a common syntax error message you might get, when coding in Python.


Reproducing the “Missing Parentheses” Python Error

In order to better understand the conditions under which we can get this syntax error message, let’s reproduce it via an example.

To this end, let’s try to execute the following command in Python:

print "test message"

If we try to execute the above “print” command in Python, we will be getting the following error message:

SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to ‘print’. Did you mean print(“test message”)?


How to Resolve the Error

In order to resolve the above error, as the error message suggests, we need to include the string to be printed on screen, within parentheses.

Therefore, based on the above example, the correct syntax would be:

print ("test message")

The above command, can be executed without any issues.


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