File Splitter

File Splitter - SQLNetHub

Easily Split ASCII Files into Smaller Files

Our free File Splitter is a simple yet powerful utility that allows the user to easily split ASCII files such as text and csv files into smaller pieces. The program allows the user to split the files either based on file size or based on a given number of records.


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List of Features

  • Split ASCII Files into Smaller Files
    • Either based on max file size or number of records, you can easily split ASCII files into smaller chunks.
  • User-Friendly
    • The tool provides a workflow-based GUI with a series of easy steps that must be performed by the user. Among other, it also supports file drag-and-drop as input.
  • Fast and Efficient
    • File Splitter supports several encodings/code pages, two split methods and two output options.

Download File Splitter

Why We Built File Splitter and How Can it Help You?

File Splitter undertakes the splitting of ASCII files to smaller chunks based either on size or number of records. We created this tool in order to help you split huge text files to smaller ones in order to be able to handle them.

What’s New and System Requirements

Latest Version: 1.2 (Build_20200818_1)  (New)


What’s new:

  • GUI enhancements
  • Minor bug fixes


Version Information:

  • Release number: 1.2
  • Build number: 20200818
  • Release date: August 18, 2020


System Requirements:


Download File Splitter

File Splitter, is a free tool, offered with respect to the worldwide SQL Server community.

Download File Splitter: 

[currently not available] (learn more)

* File Splitter, up to version 1.0 was released under the brand name “SQLArtBits”.


Screenshots of File Splitter

File Splitter - SQLNetHub  File Splitter - SQLNetHub

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