2013 was remarkable, especially when it comes to Community. Interacting with you, the SQL Server Community through all available channels is a unique experience as is it is with this interaction we all become better, not only in Technology but as human beings too.
2013 was a special year for me as my wife gave birth to a beautiful baby girl! Even though now I get less sleep I have an additional source of inspiration! 🙂 That’s why I published my first two e-Books in this year!
In October 2013 I published “Tuning SQL Server” and in December “Administering SQL Server“, all part of my series “The SQL Server and .NET eBook Series“.
Another year has come to an end. Throughout the difficulties of our times we stay strong. We keep on trying for the best. We keep on following our passion thus maintaining a strong Technical Community. The one thing I can say for sure after all these years of community activity, is that it is something that makes you a better person.
2014 can be an even better year because you know, it is us, the people that can make this happen. As a good friend of mine once said: “Change the World, or go home!” (cheers Karl 🙂
It is a privilege to communicate with you, via all possible channels like blogs, forums, offline and online events, conferences and of course, Twitter! Here are the tweets!
Blog Posts/Articles and Announcements
- Version 1.1 of my tool “Dynamic T-SQL Generator” now out! New features: Parse SQL and Export to File! http://dynamicsqlgen.codeplex.com/ #SQLServer #fb
- [Blog] The SQL Server and .NET Blog eBook Series: Administering SQL Server – http://aartemiou.blogspot.com/2013/12/the-sql-server-and-net-blog-ebook.html #fb #MVPBuzz #SQLServer
- My second #free eBook titled “Administering SQL Server” is now out! http://sqlbooks.aartemiou.com/books/administration/ #MVPBuzz #SQLServer #Community #fb
- [Blog] Where are Programmability Objects Stored in SQL Server? – http://aartemiou.blogspot.com/2013/11/where-are-programmability-objects.html … #SQLServer #MVPBuzz #fb
- My first eBook titled “Tuning SQL Server” is now out! Free for all! http://sqlbooks.aartemiou.com/books/tuning/ #SQLServer #MVPBuzz #Community #fb
- [Blog] My Upcoming eBooks on SQL Server – http://aartemiou.blogspot.com/2013/09/my-upcoming-ebooks-on-sql-server.html … #SQLServer #MVPBuzz #Community #fb
- [Blog] Monitoring Locking in SQL Server – http://aartemiou.blogspot.com/2013/09/monitoring-locking-in-sql-server.html … #MVPBuzz #SQLServer #fb
- Version 2.1 of my open-source application ‘Snippets Generator’ now available: http://snippetsgen.codeplex.com || http://www.softpedia.com/get/Internet/Servers/Server-Tools/Snippets-Generator.shtml … #MVPBuzz #fb
- [Blog] Massively Detaching and Re-attaching Databases in SQL Server – http://aartemiou.blogspot.com/2013/08/massively-detaching-and-re-attaching.html … #MVPBuzz #SQLServer #fb
- [Blog] The SELECT ALL USER SECURABLES Permission in SQL Server 2014 CTP1 – http://aartemiou.blogspot.com/2013/07/the-select-all-user-securables.html … #MVPBuzz #SQLServer #fb
- [Blog] T-SQL Tip: Inserting Leading Characters to a String – http://aartemiou.blogspot.com/2013/06/t-sql-tip-inserting-leading-characters.html … #mvpbuzz #fb #SQLServer
- [Blog] CDNUG Event Review – May 22, 2013 – Windows / SQL Azure – http://aartemiou.blogspot.com/2013/05/cdnug-event-review-may-22-2013-windows.html … #mvpbuzz #azure #sqlserver #fb #community
- [Blog] Live Event on Windows / SQL Azure! – http://aartemiou.blogspot.com/2013/05/live-event-on-windows-sql-azure.html … #mvpbuzz #fb #community
- CDNUG’s event on May 22 will be also streamed live! Join us and learn more about Windows/SQL #Azure! http://bit.ly/13xGGfF #mvpbuzz #fb
- [Blog] Mastering the Data World: Extracting Knowledge from a DBMS – http://aartemiou.blogspot.com/2013/05/mastering-data-world-extracting.html … #fb #sqlserver #mvpbuzz
- Easily generate #SQLServer snippets with my #freeware tool “Snippets Generator for SQL Server 2012” http://snippetsgen.codeplex.com/ #in #mvpbuzz
- [Blog] Encrypting SQL Server Databases – http://aartemiou.blogspot.com/2013/02/encrypting-sql-server-databases.html … #SQLServer #fb #MVPBuzz
- [Blog] T-SQL #Tip: Retrieving Security-Related Info for #SQLServer Logins – http://aartemiou.blogspot.com/2013/01/t-sql-tip-retrieving-security-related.html … #mvpbuzz #fb
- My new official website is now up and running! http://www.aartemiou.com #MVPBuzz #SQLServer #Community #fb
- 3 days left for the release of my 2nd eBook “Administering SQL Server”. Putting the finishing touches! http://sqlbooks.aartemiou.com #MVPBuzz #fb
- Building a new website. Hint: It will be #SQLServer-related but different from my other websites 🙂 More info before Christmas! #MVPBuzz #fb
- Only one week left for the release of my second eBook titled “Administering SQL Server”. Check often: http://sqlbooks.aartemiou.com #MVPBuzz #fb
- Editing my second eBook titled “Administering SQL Server”.To be published on December 2,2013. http://sqlbooks.aartemiou.com #fb #SQLServer #MVPBuzz
- Just finished the migration of 62 databases from #SQLServer 2005 to 2008 R2 on a Win 2012 cluster! Let’s put the final touches! #MVPBuzz
- My second eBook on #SQLServer titled “Administering SQL Server” will be published in one month. Check often http://sqlbooks.aartemiou.com #MVPBuzz
- Just finished my new website that will be hosting my #SQLServer eBooks and tutorials! Check it out: http://sqlbooks.aartemiou.com #MVPBuzz #fb
- My first ebook on #SQLServer tuning has entered its editing phase. More info in two days! #MVPBuzz #fb #Community
- Feedback form for v2.1 of my open-source tool ‘Snippets Generator’: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1D4zuY8jxWMgIPFyldFlNJQCY6Adtk9TXm9Cy0Zz5Ni0/viewform … #MVPBuzz #tsql #sqlserver #fb
- Subscribe to my YouTube Channel (The #SQLServer and .NET TV) for my latest webcasts/screencasts – http://www.youtube.com/user/sqlserverdotnetblog … #MVPBuzz #fb
- New functionality added: Open/modify existing T-SQL snippet files, Create SurroundsWith snippets. #SnippetsGenerator #MVPBuzz #SQLServer #fb
- I have added interesting new features in this new release of Snippets Generator. #MVPBuzz #SQLServer
- Snippets Generator v2.1 is under its final testing phase! Release date: September 4, 2013 – http://snippetsgen.codeplex.com #MVPBuzz #fb #SQLServer
- [News] More info about my three eBooks (i.e. release dates, etc.) on September 10, 2013 #MVPBuzz #fb #Community #SqlServer
- [News] The third eBook will be about #SQLServer Development #MVPBuzz #fb #Community
- [News] The second eBook will be about #SQLServer Tuning #MVPBuzz #fb #Community
- [News] The first eBook will be about #SQLServer Administration and Maintenance #MVPBuzz #fb #Community
- [News] I am currently working on writing not one but three eBooks on #SQLServer! #Free to the #community of course! #MVPBuzz #fb
- A new release of my open source tool “Snippets Generator for SQL Server 2012” is on the way. More info in September! http://snippetsgen.codeplex.com/
- Working on something amazing! Yes, it has to do with in-memory OLTP! 🙂 More news within a few days… #mvpbuzz #fb #sqlserver
- My open-source tool “Snippets Generator” exceeded the total of 1000 downloads! http://snippetsgen.codeplex.com || http://www.softpedia.com/get/Internet/Servers/Server-Tools/Snippets-Generator.shtml … #mvpbuzz #fb
- Downloading #SQLServer 2014 CTP1! It’s time to talk about In-Memory OLTP (Hekaton)! 🙂 #MVPBuzz #fb
- The Evolution of #SQLServer: http://blogs.technet.com/cfs-filesystemfile.ashx/__key/communityserver-blogs-components-weblogfiles/00-00-00-60-54-metablogapi/8311.The_2D00_Evolution_2D00_of_2D00_SQL_2D00_Server_5F00_42D968E2.jpg … #fb
- Tomorrow at 6pm (local Cyprus time) watch live the CDNUG event on Windows/SQL Azure! Live Meeting URL: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/mvp/join?id=WN4DCQ&role=attend … #mvpbuzz #fb
- Putting some final touches for my session at tomorrow’s #CDNUG event! I am really enjoying all these SQL Azure demos! 🙂 #mvpbuzz #community
- On May 22 2013 I will be presenting a session on #Windows #Azure SQL Database. For more info: http://bit.ly/13xGGfF #mvpbuzz #fb #cdnug
- On May 22 I will be delivering a session on #Windows #Azure #SQL #Database (formerly SQL Azure). More info soon! #fb #mvpbuzz
- This is amazing! Project Codename GeoFlow – http://blogs.technet.com/b/microsoft_blog/archive/2013/04/11/project-codename-geoflow-unveiled.aspx … #fb #microsoft #research #excel
- Working on an article on data processing. More info soon! #mvpbuzz #fb #sqlserver
- Even though we usually avoid using cursors, sometimes are indeed the best option, if not the only one! #mvpbuzz #sqlserver #fb
- [Blog] Congratulations 2013 Microsoft MVP! – http://aartemiou.blogspot.com/2013/04/congratulations-2013-microsoft-mvp.html … #mvpbuzz #in #sqlserver #community
- I am a #SQLServer MVP for the 5th year! Thank you #Microsoft! Thank you #Community!!! #in #mvpbuzz
- [The SQL Server and .NET TV] Check out the new channel layout! http://www.youtube.com/sqlserverdotnetblog … #Community #MVPBuzz #fb
- #SQLServer #Screencast: Working with Snippets in SQL Server 2012 – http://aartemiou.blogspot.com/2013/03/screencast-working-with-snippets-in-sql.html … #MVPBuzz #fb #Community
- A great event! RT @CDNUG:Review of our event that took place on Feb 28 2013 – OWASP Top 10 No-Nos http://bit.ly/XWNuh7 #Community #MVPBuzz
- Snippets Generator v2.0 on #CodePlex – http://snippetsgen.codeplex.com #mvpbuzz #sqlserver #ssms #community #fb
- Snippets Generator v2.0 – Snippet Templates Screen #mvpbuzz #sqlserver #ssms #community pic.twitter.com/qb0sDNQ5
- [New Release] Snippets Generator v2.0 is Out! – http://bit.ly/106VahH #mvpbuzz #fb #community #free #sqlserver #SSMS #tools
- You like #SSMS 2012? You like T-SQL coding? A new release of a #free special tool is scheduled for tomorrow! Stay tuned! #mvpbuzz #SQLServer
- Always! RT @CDNUG: By, and for, the #DotNet and #SQLServer #Community in #Cyprus! Follow us for a deep dive into #knowledge!
- [The SQL Server and .NET TV] SQL Server 2012: The Database Engine – http://youtu.be/dPAmOvtZ4QU #mvpbuzz #sqlserver #webcast
- Outstanding article on @MSFTResearch blog: Hekaton Breaks Through – http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/news/features/hekaton-122012.aspx … #SQLServer #in
- VLDB2012 Paper: High-Performance Concurrency Control Mechanisms for Main-Memory Databases – http://vldb.org/pvldb/vol5/p298_per-akelarson_vldb2012.pdf … #DBMS #Science
- I have just been renewed in the Friends of Red Gate program for 2013! Thank you @redgate! #MVPBuzz #SQLServer #fb @RedGateFriends
My warmest wishes for a Happy New Year 2014! A year full of health, love, and knowledge sharing!
Artemakis Artemiou, a distinguished Senior Database and Software Architect, brings over 20 years of expertise to the IT industry. A Certified Database, Cloud, and AI professional, he earned the Microsoft Data Platform MVP title for nine consecutive years (2009-2018). As the founder of SQLNetHub and GnoelixiAI Hub, Artemakis is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and democratizing education on various fields such as: Databases, Cloud, AI, and Software Development. His commitment to simplicity and knowledge sharing defines his impactful presence in the tech community.